Generation Warfare


With 27 responses in such a short period of time, our survey was successful! (Our target was 25 respondents)

Results are out!

The target age group (in years)

Question 1: Is Singapore's defense system sufficient?

Question 2: What should Singapore do to increase the level of defense?

As this was an open-ended question, we got a variety of answers. A few main (quoted) examples are:

- Train the national service man properly but not in a torturous way

- Advertise more and increase training qualitatively and quantitatively.

- Further enhance the importance of defense to the public for example advertising more

- Nothing, apparently too small to even defend anything.

- Build more awareness within ourselves

- Bring in more intelligence

- More patrol police at neighborhood area.

- Encourage the NS men to join full time in army or police force.

- Be more proactive.

- Singaporeans should be more proactive when safety drills are conducted, for example. The citizens should increase their preparedness should any untoward events were to happen.

- Ban drugs and alcoholic drinks. The lesser people who are drunk and crazy, the safer our country will be. Oh and less immigrants. And while you're at it, ban cigarettes too. We need to teach people do defend (in other words protect) their own body as well.

- Educate citizens of war preparedness

- I don't think there is an urgency in increasing Singapore's level of defense in terms of weaponry and such because I'm under the assumption that we have sufficient (solely based on their showcase during NDP each year). However psychological defense as a whole nation in preparation for emergencies is probably another whole new issue that I wish we all are aware of.

- Educate and encourage the nation on self-defense.

-Train personnel so that they are always ready in case some misfortune hits Singapore.

- Recruit more people.

Question 3: What is the purpose of Total Defense Day?

- To appreciate the effort and help from the defense team

- Raise the awareness of the citizens and educate them the importance of the country's defense and what it is all about.

- To commemorate the heroic events (war) which had occurred in the past by the Singapore's military as well as showcasing the current military's armored combat vehicles

- To be prepared for war and know why do we have uniform groups like the Army, Air force, SCDF, A&E Ambulance, Police and etc....

- Safety

- To understand the nature of Singaporean

- To create awareness about the uniform groups here in Singapore

- Appreciate Singapore defense system and inculcate a sense of awareness among the young generation especially.

- To remind the others the importance of defending themselves.

- To commemorate the importance of the country's defense force.

- To know what Singapore is capable of. To increase the people's confidence towards our defense system.

- To raise awareness about the "Protectors" or "defenders" of our country in all the different aspects of... life?

- To raise awareness of citizens' knowledge of Singapore's defense line

- To educate the nation regarding the important roles of our soldiers in defending the country

- To educate the public about what is going on in the defense team. Also to educate them on the procedures that should be taken should people are hit with danger.

- Increase awareness.

Question 4: There are 5 pillars of Total Defense; military, civil, economic, social and psychological. Rank them in order of deemed importance.

From most important to least important;
1) Military Defense (27.8%)
2) Civil Defense (33.3%)
3) Economic Defense (33.3%)
4) Social Defense (33.3%)
5) Psychological (27.8%)

Question 5: From a scale of 1-5, how secure do you think Singapore is?

Question 6: Would you actually consider a career in the defense sector?

Question 7: How important is the level of security in Singapore to you?

In a nutshell, most of our peers actually do value the quality and level of security they get in Singapore. As the new age residents of Singapore, we do realize that there is also a need to band together and improve the defense system in our beloved country as the development of brand new high-level machinery and weaponry are increasing as years gradually pass. Ergo, the need to better our current system is a readily known issue that has to be addressed often. We also concluded that there is a much needed pressure to educate Singaporeans and increase awareness regarding our national defense. Appreciation should be given towards the men and women in the force who has long strived to protect the nation and keep danger at bay! 

